Happy: Jonathan, is change always good? It seems like the revolution in the novel, the Iranian one, is killing people.
J: Well Happy, I guess you can say change can be both good and bad. How can I explain this? So, when Marjane, the author, talks about the veil she shows that it was more of an oppressive act made by the revolutionaries.
Happy: Yeah, the kids were forced to wear the veils by their teachers, and the girls were separated from the boys at school.
J: Yeah, so you could say the revolution brought some useless, and unnecessary, rules to the Iranian people.
Happy: Why did they need to have a revolution?
J: Ehhh, well I guess the Shah was not doing a great job, and the people thought a revolution would make everyone's life better.
Happy: Then that Shah guy must be really bad since he made the theater burn with all those people inside.
J: I guess? I mean only a really powerful guy could order the police and firefighters to not save those people inside. I think that was pretty disgusting of the Shah to do that
J: Oh Happy, did you understand that bicycle thing Marj was talking about? It was a bit...weird.
Happy: O.O uhhh... Maybe the revolution failed in a way because the people didn't pedal the bike correctly?
J: That kind of makes sense. The people must be at fault.
Happy: pffft, I think that old man was funny by the way. He had a super long beard like Santa Claus. I wonder if he says "HO HO HO"?
J: Happy, that was God that Marj believes in. But I wonder if her god still likes her since he disappeared after she went crazy about wanting to go to the demonstration. Maybe it was to show a lost in faith?
Happy: I think they are all dumb. Why have war when everyone could just give each other fish? Wouldn't everyone be happy if they all got fish? I would. I would have a fish buffet. Oh, how happy I would be. *drool.
J: Happy, come back~. How about we get some lunch then. You did make me hungry with your fish talk.
Happy: Alright! FISH!!! I want fish!!!
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