Thursday, November 21, 2013

My play, "Trifles" by Susan Glasspell

Today, I acted my part in the play, "Trifles". The play is about a small-town murder where a man is hung in his attic. The police try to investigate it, but find no clue that can be used to make a case. However, as the men are prancing around, the woman (Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale) figure out that Mrs. Wright killed her husband because he killed her canary and was imprisoning her in his house.

I thought my character (the County Attorney) was a fool of a detective. He couldn't figure out the motive behind Mr. Wright's death.

I thought the whole play was alright. The plot wasn't too bad with a simple: revenge for my bird! I thought the plays were more exciting to watch then to read, like the graphic novel "Persepolis".

I thought the whole journey of Marjane and other poems and plays were an interesting mix to discuss about how reality. You can't just tame everything. I mean it's alright to have answers to most things, but some things can just be left to discussion. Why fuss over every single thing like the poems and control? If everything had an answer, a single answer, then the whole world should just be left idle. IT WOULD BE BORING.

By the way, thanks for sticking with me on my rantpage (rant+rampage = rantpage). Hope you enjoyed my opinions!

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